Innovation is our passion

KEY CONSULT is specialized in R&D and Innovation funding management.

Since starting in 1996 we have evolved on the Austrian market due to expertise, dedication, multidisciplinary, continuity as well as teamwork and creativity. Our experts support clients in the process of identifying and structuring of potentially fundable R&D projects. Our clients benefit from the experience we gathered during delivering thousands of projects.

More than 25 years of experience in funding management

Over 1500 successful projects

Approval rate of greater 90%


We aim to contribute to the development of innovation in Austria. We do so by supporting companies during the process of identifying and structuring of potentially fundable projects all the way through up to the completion of the R&D project.


We are working with expertise and passion to continuously strengthen our pioneering role in the area of funding management in order to raise the level of elevate innovation and technology in Austria.

Our leading principles


Dr. Josef Gfrerer, CMC
Alexander Farkas, CMC
Mag. Agnes Steger
Chief Legal Officer
Mag. Wolfgang J. Horvath, MBA
Senior Consultant
Ing. Manuela Lorenz, MA
Head of Consulting - People
Ing. Peter Wobrowsky, CMC
Head of Consulting - Operations
DI David Prünner, MA
Head of Consulting - Quality
Christine Thier
Management Assistant
Ing. Peter Berger, BA, CMC
Senior Consultant
Mag. Helmut Pfeffer, CMC
Senior Consultant
Helmut Gaberschek
Senior Consultant
DI Peter Croy
Senior Consultant
DI Marie-Luise Albrecht
Senior Consultant
Dr. Jasmin Huber, MA
Senior Consultant
DI Bernhard Diermaier, MA
Clarissa Wisur, MA
Mag. Dr. Dagmar Heißler
Alexander Wechselberger, MSc
Rosa Bertl, BSc
Louis Geiger, MA
Janette Pfneissl, MSc
Bernadette Briones
Aneta Drywa
Daniel Herzog
Katharina Kickinger, Bakk. rer. soc. oec.
Mag. Christian Grüsser
Senior Consultant
Isabella Rankin-Vian
Soo Won Lee


Would you like to contribute to innovation in Austria. Do you feel attracted to work in a flat hierarchy?  

Do you feel competent in writing scientific articles? Is your working style structured and methodical? 

Are you interested in a positive working environment in a great team?

If your answers are YES you could be our new future colleague.

We are looking forward to receiving your application at
Current job postings

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KEY CONSULT Unternehmensberatung Rauch & Partner OG
Gerlgasse 2/3, 1030 Wien
+43 1 796 58 19 0
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